The RSA (The royal society for arts, manufactures and commerce)

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Join the Royal Society of Arts!

We are the RSA. The royal society for arts, manufactures and commerce, a 270-year-old social change organisation. From the invention of lifeboats to ground-breaking research into sustainable fashion, we turn world-leading ideas into world-changing actions. Our vision is a world where everyone can fulfil their potential and contribute to more resilient, rebalanced, and regenerative futures. 

The RSA is powered by a global network of over 31,000 changemakers. What does it mean to be an RSA Fellow? Fellowship allows you to expand your community, amplify your social change work, be inspired by new ideas, and gain access to a steady stream of innovative future-focused research. We are an inclusive community open to anyone aligned with our values and invite you to explore how you can join us or start your application today!

To get in touch about applying or to find out more about the RSA APPLY HERE

Fellows Special Offer

Take the opportunity of this amazing special offer. Fellows pay an annual charitable subscription of £198 or £16.50 monthly, and a one-off registration fee. The special offer will be a waived £75 registration fee.

To take up this offer, email and quote 'ANTHROPY23' for your personalised application.

Under 25? Become a Fellow for just £1 per week

We have introduced a new offer to those aged 18-25 to become a Fellow for just £1 per week (£52 per year) to bring more voices, ideas, and expertise to our community of changemakers and our Design for Life mission. And by joining us, you will have opportunities to amplify your impact through working with like-minded people.

Together we can enable people, places, and the planet to flourish in harmony.


Know someone who would be a great Fellow?

Nominate them by filling in our online nominate a Fellow form today!

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